Colour Contrast Checker

Colour Contrast Checker

Check the contrast between different colour combinations against WCAG standards.

About Colour Contrast Checker

Colour Contrast Checker is an online color contrast checker that lets you modify the background and foreground colors using HSL, also available as a Chrome extension.

One of the standout features of Colour Contrast Check is its user-friendly interface, making it incredibly easy for testers and developers to assess and test color contrasts.

The tool provides instant feedback on color combinations, helping users adhere to accessibility standards such as WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

Key features that set Colour Contrast Check apart:

  1. Compare Colors with Ease: Colour Contrast Check allows you to compare colors effortlessly using Hex codes or color names. Simply use the text fields to input your color choices, and let the tool provide you with an instant, precise comparison. This feature ensures that your color combinations meet the highest standards of clarity and visibility.

  2. Visualize Colors on the Fly: Want to see how colors interact on a live webpage? You can Compare colors in real-time on your webpage, ensuring your design maintains harmony and readability. It’s a game-changer for testers and developers seeking perfection in every visual element.

  3. Effortless Color Management: Keep your color combinations organized and accessible. Colour Contrast Check allows you to store up to 6 color combinations, utilizing local storage for quick and easy reference later.

  4. Quickly Reverse Colors: Need a fresh perspective? Quickly reverse background and foreground colors with just a click. This feature lets you explore alternative design possibilities with minimal effort, empowering your creativity.

  5. Generate Shareable Links: Colour Contrast Check enables you to generate a shareable link of the colors you’ve compared. Share your design insights seamlessly with colleagues or clients, ensuring everyone is on the same vibrant page.


#Web#Chrome Extension
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