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a Ruby regular expression editor

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What is Rubular?

Explore the world of Ruby regular expressions with Rubular — an intuitive online editor and regx tester. Craft and test your Ruby regex patterns effortlessly, receiving instant feedback in a clean and user-friendly interface.

Rubular is a user-friendly and powerful online Ruby regular expression editor and tester. Designed to simplify the process of crafting and testing Ruby regex patterns, Rubular provides instant feedback, highlighting matches in real-time.

With a clean and intuitive interface, it's an invaluable tool for both beginners and seasoned developers and testers working with regular expressions in Ruby.

How to use Rubular:

Fill in a batch of test strings into the box, then run your regular expression against it, and instantly see (visually) what is happening.

'Make Permalink' feature: Paste the link as a comment above your regex and you can easily get back to the same place later. The permalink includes your test string(s) and makes it really easy to see what was going on when you wrote it.

In conclusion, Rubular is a powerful online tool designed for crafting and testing Ruby regular expressions. With instant feedback and a clean interface, it caters to both beginners and experienced developers and testers, providing a user-friendly environment for efficient regex pattern creation and testing in Ruby.

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