

TestProject is the world's first 100% free test automation platform for Web, Android, iOS and API testing, trusted by over 150,000 users in the testing community.

TestProject helps testers and developers ensure quality with speed, by eliminating maintenance & setup hassles and empowering Selenium & Appium with AI self-healing technology.

No matter your skillset, TestProject has all the tools you need to ensure a top-notch automation experience, using advanced codeless features or open source SDK compatible with native Selenium APIs. To top it off, you also get to leverage their useful Addons library, out-of-the-box beautiful test reports, seamless integrations into your CI/CD pipelines, worldwide team collaboration options to boost efficiency, and all of this at no cost.

By fostering a collaborative community that can come together, as individuals and in teams, TestProject is shaping the future of software testing and helping teams overcome testing challenges with ease and deliver flawless products. Founded in 2015 and acquired by Tricentis in 2019. To learn more, visit https://testproject.io/


#IDE#Android#iOS#Mobile Testing#Web#Windows#Mac#Selenium#Appium
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