Over 500+ awesome tools and resources on the internet to supercharge your testing.
Generate a matching regular expression from the test cases you provide
Online REST API client
Web CSV Generator is a web-based random CSV data generator written in JavaScript. It allows to generate CSV files.
Create mock APIs in seconds
Analyze webpack production bundle
Cyrilex is a regular expression tester and visualizer
Mock API by intercepting requests on the network level. Seamlessly reuse the same mock definition for testing, development, and debugging.
A sensible GraphQL testing tool toΒ test your GraphQL schema locally and in the cloud.
Solutions to 80% of your daily git challenges
Browser templates for Browser In The Browser (BITB) attack.
Appium plugin designed to wait for element to be present.
API-first testing framework focusing only on testing Node.js (backend) applications
A high-performance load testing tool, written in Go.
Node.js mock server running live, interactive mocks in place of real APIs
Analyze HTML size and catch bloat like inline images, large React hydration state, or code duplication.