Puppeteer Replay

Library that provides an API to replay and stringify recordings created using Chrome DevTools Recorder

Pricing: Free
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What is Puppeteer Replay?

Puppeteer Replay is a versatile library offering an API to replay and stringify recordings generated using Chrome DevTools Recorder.

With the ability to seamlessly replay recordings through CLI or the library's API, users can customize the replay process, capturing screenshots or integrating with third-party libraries.

Additionally, Puppeteer Replay allows for the transformation of recordings, enabling users to stringify them in different formats. This library enhances the flexibility and customization options for developers working with recorded interactions.

Key Features:

  • Replay recording - Replay recording with CLI or using the replay lib API.

  • Customize replay - Customize how a recording is run. For example, capture screenshots after each step or integrate with 3rd party libraries.

  • Transform recoding - Customize how a recording is stringified. For example, transform the recording into another format.

How does Puppeteer Replay enhance the replay and transformation of recordings, and what customization options does it offer?

Puppeteer Replay is a versatile library offering an API for seamless replay and transformation of recordings from Chrome DevTools Recorder. Users can customize replay processes through CLI or the library's API, capturing screenshots or integrating with third-party libraries. Additionally, the library allows for the transformation of recordings, enabling users to stringify them in different formats, providing enhanced flexibility and customization options for developers.

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