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Gray box end-to-end testing and automation framework for mobile apps

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What is Detox?

Wix, one of the leading contributors to the React Native community, created Detox, a Javascript-based end-to-end automation testing framework for mobile apps.

Detox was used to create E2E automation testing for Android and iOS mobile apps. Though the framework setup was first a little complicated, working on Detox to put up tests using Cucumber was a pleasant experience.

Detox works seamlessly with Jest and Mocha test runners, as well as Travis and TeamCity-based Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines.

Using Detox and Cucumber to set up tests made it simple to incorporate the results into spriteCloud’s Calliope Pro dashboard for Android and iOS devices.

SpriteCloud designed Calliope Pro, a test results monitoring and reporting dashboard, so development teams can share, compare, and monitor quality assurance testing results all in one place.

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